I will remove my music from bandcamp for now. Here is why:

I will remove my music from bandcamp for now. Here is why:

After having my music stolen and my wishes for my compositions not respected, i kind of was reminded that that kind of shit is bound to happen to me. (it still hurts so much)
With certain AI having become popular, those that comb the internet to steal art, then reproduce it in a different way and call it “art”, i can only guess how long it’ll take until that kind of shit for music becomes popular (or maybe it already has? idk i really am rarely on certain parts of internet anymore). I am not gonna let my compositions become part of the capitalist Mega machine.

I mean, that is why i originally wanted to be on bandcamp, posted my videos on peertube, made a blog on noblogs (my new URL will become nullified soon, but more on that later), made a telegram channel… to get away from corporate and mainstream social media / music platforms, and all the bullshit that comes with it.

But honestly, with another wave of a corporation trying to “embrace-extend-extinguish” its way into indie social media (meta to fediverse – even though technically fediverse can’t be “embraced”), having my most personal soul essence (my music) lying about for anyone to grasp, take and use, on a platform that is just getting bigger and is trying to promote itself by how many sales happen on it, i need to take a step back for a while, let my music just be music without having to constantly worry about it like a baby in a warzone…

[ Sidenote: bandcamp is probably the best there is out there, its goal is to aide the musicians and not just the “consumers”, i think it’s still a great platform but it’s too public for me right now… especially now with the not-so-recent-anymore acquisition by Epic Games, it’ll probably just get bigger… ]

You should know that i will still make music – i have hundreds of unfinished songs / half-songs / song-ideas (no exaggeration), and i won’t go out without having finished all of them. I know i need to because of what it represents as a multiply-marginalised person making this kind of music, and other personal reasons. The albums that were on bandcamp will also be coming back, just as they were, once i have figured stuff out. You will have a possibility to listen to them again.

It will probably take a while because i’ll need to first not be fighting to stay alive every day, plus find somewhere where i can do music comfortably, also find ways to work with my freshly broken voice, figure out how i want to integrate music-making with my political ideals and d.i.y. “lifestyle” ideals, and figure out how to get my music to all who want it without dragging it all around the internet.

Maybe i will come back to bandcamp. Maybe under a different name (which is plausible, actually, for personal safety reasons). Maybe re-releasing the current albums for download will happen in not-too-much time. All of this is unknown, but in due time there will be answers to these uncertainties.

You will find the next update on this blog.
As already stated in brackets, my old URL will be soon rendered useless so i will go back to the old blog that i never deleted to post the new updates.

Thank you for reading until here if you have,
and send me a mail at osfyn-mvsik @ riseup . net if you have the album in your bandcamp collection, but haven’t downloaded it to your computer. I’ll send you a download link then. Please just send me your bandcamp name in the e-mail, so i can verify. If the album wasn’t in your bandcamp collection, i’m sorry but you will have to wait until i re-release the albums (which i will).
(and if you do have the album on your computer, i trust that you will not post in anywhere on the internet. Please don’t be an asshole.)

Kind regards,

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